Nudibranch - Flabellina affinis - Image

Nudibranch - Flabellina affinis - Up for a dance

Nudibranch gastropod mollusc with slim, elongated body, marked by numerous elongated lateral papillae grouped in tufts. Varying shades of pink. Found on rocky beds from 5 to 50 meters and is usually found in the company of the hydroids on which it feeds. Maximum 4 centimeters.

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Nudibranch - Flabellina affinis - Up for a dance

by Dieter

Uploaded on August 26, 2024

PrevNudibranch - Flabellina affinis - Image
Image Details
Camera: Canon
Model: Canon PowerShot G9
Creation Date: 2024:08:25 19:49:47
Image width: 2415 px
Image height: 1683 px
Image size: 4.55MB
Aperature: f/3.2
Exposure: 1/125
ISO - speed: 100

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